Thursday, March 24, 2011

St. Mark's SNS and Fossett's Circus

St. Mark's National School is not far from where we are staying and the students wrote letters today to my students back in Chicago! They had all kinds of questions and one boy informed me that Denzel Washington is on the USD. Obviously.

Meaning: Irish Speaker

Mara and I went to the Circus last night in Tallaght... we were expecting Elephants and Cotton Candy... let's say we were a little let down! There were exactly 7 performers in total and I became part of a silent movie in the center (and only) ring! It was hilarious and the 250 lb. roller skating couple were by far my favorite act. They did have pony rides and some pretty interesting (not chicago style) hotdogs that I took a pass at. I opted for a Diet Coke (much needed after my improv skit). Who knew?
Below are some gems from the Fossetts Circus... including myself under a (married) guy for the silent movie... not by choice.