Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Black Taxi Tour in Belfast

The World Famous Black Taxi Tours of Belfast

I thought that I understood the situation that Northern Ireland dealt with, however after my visit to Belfast I felt incredibly ignorant. The tension between Catholics and Protestants dates back to the colonization of Northern Ireland by England. In fact, problems existed long before then. I won't pretend that I am fully educated on this issue, so instead check out some more information on why religion has separated friends and even families in Ireland. If you would like to understand the conflict further, A History of Religious Conflict might also be helpful!

A very influential political figure for the IRA (Catholic side - it gets hard to keep everything straight!) Bobby Sands and the Hunger Strike

The hunger strike of 1981 was one of, if not the most influential periods in the IRA's long campaign to remove Britain's role from Irish politics. It not only thwarted Britain's plans to criminalise the IRA prisoners in the H-Blocks, but concentrated world wide media attention on the war in Ireland, paving the way for Sinn Fein's entrance into the political arena and the electoral successes that followed.

Ten men, ten Irish Republican volunteers paid the ultimate sacrifice during those summer months of 1981. Bobby Sands, Francis Hughes, Raymond McCreesh, Patsy O'Hara, Joe McDonnell, Martin Hurson, Kevin Lynch, Tom McElwee, Kieran Doherty and Mickey Devine.Their names are written on the hearts and minds of every Irish Republican in Ireland and abroad.

from: irishhungerstrike.com

What I did find fascinating about this tour was the fact that on either side, martyrs were celebrated as heroes. Memorials are created in rememberance of them on both the Catholic and Protestant sides of town. These people (on both sides) are murderers. They have killed 10, 20, even 30 people. Many of those killed are innocent bystanders, caught in the crossfire. In the pictures below of a Catholic Memorial, there is a 4 year old and a 5 year old listed. I would love to know what a 4 and 5 year old did to deserve to be shot and killed. I suppose no matter where you live, people will find a way to divide themselves over any issue. In the states, there is race; in Ireland, there is religion.

The Protestant Murals below depict different symbols (many whose meanings are kept secret) and celebrate Martyrs...

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