Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Pray with the Gods...

I think I might actually know more about Greek Gods than I could have ever wanted to know. Three days later...7 archeological sites, a bridge documentary, and truly I have been fully educated.

Reflections after the "cruise":

Mara and I were mostly excited about seeing Olympia where the first ever Olympics were held. Unfortunately, we could only look over the fence because they took us there on Easter Sunday and it was closed. Well, I could have told you that. What I did enjoy was a town called Delphi (pronounced del - fi ) it has some sort of serious archeological significance, but to be honest, I went to the Down Town Club the night before with some locals and I was in a little bit of of a fog. The actual actual town of Delphi had one main road and a gorgeous view of the mountains that were seen from the balcony of our hotel room.

There was a Greek dancing show up near the church in town to celebrate "Christos Anesti" meaning Christ has risen. We definitely enjoyed ourselves and met a few locals who were willing to show us around and take us to a bar that served ouzo and other liquor that I did not pay for. My kind of 3 day archeological tour. I asked the one guy, ( insert hot Greek guy name here) if the club played American or Greek music. He replied, "well, my cousin owns it, so they will play whatever you like." so we have left our mark on Delphi with Rihanna and Drake, you're welcome pop music.

Perhaps the best moment of the trip was the following morning where the friend we met from Kenosha who was on the trip with us explained how she had gone back to the hotel at 5 am. This does seem insane, considering we left with the group at 6 am that morning for Athens. What is even more insane is that I went back to the hotel at 12:30. Hmm 4 and a half hours - she is quite the party girl- I think I'll keep her. Greek men are not exactly shy and to be honest, the Irish men could take a few hints.

Think about this question, "Are you married?"
Pretty straight forward if you ask me. The guy I asked this to ressponded, "well, kind of. I'll explain later." It's really a yes or no type of question, but I accepted the shot of ouzo anyway.

After the tour, Mara and I headed back to Athens, thank goodness. Not the most beautiful city you have ever seen, graffiti literally everywhere on every building. I can't say I was impressed by Athens the city, but I was impressed by the Parthenon. It showed incredible views of the city of Athens and the masses of houses that are around it.

Mara (legit primary source) read that the temple at the Parthenon was for goddess Athena (Athens - creative, I know) because the people in the area were impressed by her Gift of the olive tree that represented renewal. It's a long story, but you can read about it here.

To see all my photos from Greece, click HERE.
Off to Espana... Madrid has huge game tonight against Barcelona. And it's in Madrid, where we are. And, it's tonight. Bienvenidos a Espana...

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