Saturday, April 23, 2011

Greece... The way to Olympia


Well, the cruise we signed up for is actually a bus tour with no bathrooms and I will definitely not be wearing my Italian sandals tomorrow, that's for sure. I am being seriously educated on the history of Greece and went through the area surrounding Athens towards Olympia where we will stay for the night.

What we saw: The Corinth Canal, the Epidaurus Ampitheatre, and Mycenae.

What I ate: thank goodness for regular sized coffee here... Italy was killing me with espresso. I tried lamb from a spit today at an outdoor restaurant, well I can say check next to that. I suppose now is when I miss steaks on the grill, corn on the cob, and watermelon. hard to admit it, but USA, there's just something about you that I am in love with and yes, I do appreciate your many amenities, like chai tea lattes and Target.

Tonight, midnight Easter services...

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